Monday, May 29, 2006

आरक्षणक समर्थन मे खट्टर काका'क बेबाक साक्षात्कार

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गामक चौक पर दुपहरिया'क ३ बजे हमरा (लेखक केँ) आबैत देखि खट्टर काका बजलाह: की हौ एतेक रौद मे कतय सँ आबि रहल छह:, गाछ तर मे आबि हम खट्टर काका सँ कहलिअन्हि बाप रे बाप रैली मे बाजार गेल छलहुँ.

खट्टर काका: कोन तरहक रैली छलैक ?

अरे अहाँ के बुझल नहि अछि की? हम (लेखक) पुछलिअन्हि. हम आरक्षण विरोधी रैली मे गेल छलहुँ. बाप रे बाप मरिए टा नहि गेलहूँ आ सब कीछु भ' गेल,

से एहेन रैली मे जयबाक कोन काज ? खट्टर काका कटाक्ष करैत पुछलथिन्ह.

हम(लेखक): आब त काका जी अहाँक पार लगि गेल.... हमरो पार लागि गेल.... लेकिन हमर धिया पुता'क की हेतेक.... से कनियों सोचलिएक अछि.... एक तँ ओ सब अपने पढाई लिखाई कम क देन' अछि आ उपर सँ २७ प्रतिशत आरक्षण.... कहिओ ई छौडा सभ आई०आई०टी 'क मुँह नहि देखि सकत.... आ अपने पुछैत छी जे रैली मे जेबाक कोन काज.

खट्टर काका: सेऎह त कहैत छिह. आई पचास साल भ' गेल... ई आरक्षण सँ ककरा की भ' सकलैक.... अपने गामक डोम-चमार के देखि लैह.... पिछला ५० साल मे एकोटा मैट्रिक पास नहिँ क' सकल अछि.... हाँ अन्तर भेलेक अछि.... पहिने अपन गाम मे खेत मे मजदुरी करैत छल... आ आब गाम सँ ८० कोस दुर पँजाब मे मजदुरी करैत अछि.... तेँ आरक्षण सँ एकरा सब के किछो होमय वाला नहिँ अछि....

हम (लेखक): त ई हल्ला किएक भ' रहल छैक नेता सभक द्वारा.

खट्टर काका: ओ सब त, भोट बैंक'क चक्कर अछि. ई नेता सभ केँ यदि छोट जाति केँ उपर उठाएबाक अछि... त'.... आई०टी०आई० खोलबाक चाही.... जाहि मे एक्स्क्लुसिवली छोट जाति केँ ट्रैनिंग देबाक चाही जाहि सँ ओ सब पँजाब नहि जा क' अपन किछु रोजगार करैत.

हम (लेखक): तैओ ई ५० प्रतिशत सीट त छोटे लोकक रहत की नहिँ ?

खट्टर काका: हँ.. हँ... भेटतैक त छोटे लोक केँ लेकिन लालु'क बेटा केँ... आइ० ए० एह० 'क बेटा केँ, आ० पी० एस० 'क बेटा केँ..... अपन गाम 'क भोलबा चमारक धिआ पुता जुते सीबैत रहि जेतेक....

हम (लेखक): तँ ओहि सँ अपना सभ केँ की फ़ायदा हेतैक ??

खट्टर काका: एकटा बात बताबह: हमरा .. तोरा लोकनि आरक्षणक विरोधी किएक छह: ?

हम ( लेखक): दु टा कारण सँ...., पहिल बात जे हमरा धिआ पुता केँ नीक शिक्षा आ नीक नौकरी नहि भेटतैक: आ दोसर बात जे गाम घर मे नौकर चाकरक आभाव भ' जेतैक.

खट्टर काका: धौड बुरबक नहितन.... तोहर प्रश्नक दु भाग मे उत्तर देबाक चाही.
पहिल प्रश्नक उत्तर:- की तोरा लग डाटा छह की आई०आई०टी० आ दोसर कालेज मे ककर नौकरी बढिआ लागैत छैक. आई०आई०टी मे किछु कम्पुटर साईंस'क विद्यार्थी केँ इन्फ़ोसीस आ टी०सी०एस० मे नौकरी लागैत छैक.... आ कोनो दक्षिण भारतक कालेज'क किछु विद्यार्थी केँ मोटोरोला.... आ सीमेंस... मे नौकरी लागैत छैक. आई०आई०टी'क हरेक विद्यार्थी त बढियाँ होइईत नहि छैक... मानि लैह तोहर धिआ पुता केँ आई० आई० टी० मे आरक्षणक कारणेँ नहि भेलह. यदि हुनका लग मे टैलेण्ट रहतैक त दोसर कालेज मे भ ` जेतैक. आ अन्ततोगत्वा तोरे धिआ पुताक केँ नीक नौकरी भेटतह. आ बचलैक सरकारी नौकरी मे त आब सरकारी नौकरी तकैत के छैक. चाहे त राड मुसहर वा कोनो निकम्मा..... वस्तुत: सरकारी नौकरी कर' वाला बीमार मानसिकता 'क वाला कोनो व्यक्ति होयत छैक.... त चिन्ता किऐक करैत छहः
आ दोसर प्रश्नक उत्तर: हम त पहिने तोरा कहलिअ, जे बैकवार्ड क्लास मे किछु पैघ लोक उपर मे बैसल छथि. जँ आरक्षणक बात हेतैक त पहिने ओ महानुभाव'क धिआ पुता केँ नौकरी भेट्तैक वा अपन गाम'क भोलबा चमारक धिआ पुता केँ भेटतैक. भोलबा'क धिआ-पुता त जुते सितैक आ महींसे चरेतैक. तँ बात स्पष्ट छैक नहि त तोहर धिआ पुता केँ नौकरी तकबा मे कोनो तकलीफ़ आ नहि तोरा नौकर चाकर ताक' मे.

हम (लेखक): मुदा खट्टर कका जी!!! ई त अहाँ महात्मा गाँधी जी'क सबटा फ़िलोसोफ़ी केँ उल्टा साबित क' देलिऐक;

खट्टर काका: तेँ तोरा हम बुरबके कहे छिअ'क की.... गाँधी जी'क फ़िलोसोफ़ी'क एकटा समय छल.... जँ लागु होईत छल.... आब ओ अप्रासंगिक बनि गेल अछि....
ओ जमाना छल नेहरु जीक, राजेन्द्र प्रसादक...., लाल बहादुर शस्त्रीक... जतय अपन वचन केँ पुरा करबाक लेल ओ लोकनि किछो कर लेल तैयार रहैत छलथिन्ह....
आबक जमाना छैक.. सोनिआ गाँधी'क...., लालु यादव'क...., मुलायम सिँहक..., आ राबडी देवीक.... जमाना बदलल.... लोक बदलि गेल.... एकटा बात बताबह नहि... आई कल्हि आफ़िस मे एकटा चमार आफ़िसर यदि एकटा ब्राह्मण चपरासीक शोषण करैत छैक त गाँधी जी'क कोन फ़िलोसोफ़ी ओकरा एना करबा सँ रोकैत छैक.... गाँधी जी मरलाह तैँ हुनकर फ़िलोसोफ़ी सेहो मरि गेल....

तेँ खुशी मनाबह.. यदी सरकार कतो छोट जाति केँ सचमुचे एजुकेट कर'क ठानि लेत त नहि तो तोरा धिया पुताकेँ नौकरीए भेटतह आ नहिए तोरो नौकर चाकर. तेँ अर्जुन सिँह जिन्दा-बाद अर्जुन सिँह जिन्दाबाद.

हम (लेखक): जी काका जी हम धन्य भेलहुँ.... आई सँ हमहुँ आरक्षणक समर्थक भ' गेलहुँ. किएक त हमरा धिआ पुता केँ नहि ते नौकरीए मे दिक्कत होयत आ नहिँ त नौकरे-चाकरे तकबा मे.... आब हमहुँ सीखि लैत छी अर्जुन सिँह जिन्दा-बाद.... अर्जुन सिँह जिन्दाबाद....

एकटा बात बताबह नहि.. आई कल्हि आफ़िस मे एकटा चमार आफ़िसर यदि एकटा ब्राह्मण चपरासीक शोषण करैत छैक त गाँधी जी'क कोन फ़िलोसोफ़ी ओकरा एना करबा
सँ रोकैत छैक. गाँधी जी मरलाह तैँ हुनकर फ़िलोसोफ़ी सेहो मरि गेल. तेँ खुशी मनाबह..

Friday, July 15, 2005

The Ultimate wish of the kids of "mithila"

The Ultimate wish of the Kids of Mithila

Dear Mithila_vasi;

Back with pretty of things to write herein. Maithil people are compared with other parts of the country and definitely kids of mithila are left behind. Today let me write about the kids.

There are many faces of maithil kids.... thaknaa....bechnaaa....fekoo.....hariaa.....jhariaa....ajay....bijay....ramanjee....sumanjee...............

Let me tell you how Bechnaa try through out the day to become as big as his bhaiyyaa or kakaa.

1. Early in the morning with "churaa" he tries to have solid part of the curd ( "kathgar dahi" ). Alas he has been getting only the dilluted part and he is longing to become big to have "kathgar dahee".

2. In the afternoon he takes his lunch daal-bhaat-tarkaari all in single plate. He is longing to become big like his bhaiyya.... kaka... so that he will have his daal and tarkaaree all in separate bowl (baati).

3. He is longing to make the same rope with "teruaa" as his babujee is doing. Her daadi tells the day he made his first rope his wife was born.

4. He listen the gapp-sapp of his babujee from behind "taat" and got scholding from his babujee and now he is longing to become as big as his bhaaiyya or kakaa to listen the gapp-sapp openly.

5. He is longing to become as big as his bhaiyya or kaka to wear a fulpant.

And once Bechnaa grows to bigger one, he is bearing the sin of taking daal in baati, kathgar dahi, and many more like me, you or other mithila-vasi is doing.

Rest in next week. Till then

Jai.... Jai..... Sia.....Ram

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Hello Mithila Vasi;

Bam shankar Kailashpati !!!

Although the inflation is on the driver's seat where Rs. 1000/ doesn't mean anything. But I have seen life of every people moves round the Atthanni yeah! 50 paise.

Take the example of one of my bhateeja "Bechnaa" in mumbai. Let me explain " Atthanni mahimaa" through Bechnaa.

Atthanni= 50 Piase= 0.5 Ruppees= $0.011494253 USD

"Bechna" starts his morning at 7:30, wake up, took breakfast put some 'roti' in his tiffin. At 8:30 he arrives at local railway station to buy ticket to Bandra. he puts his hand in his pocket and take out some coins whose total value was Rs. 5 ruppees. Alas! an Athhani short of the total fare. Curshed his wife (hi-hi re Atthanni). If one Atthanni would have been there he wouldn't had to break his 20 ruppees note.

At 10:30 in his office he puts his hand and take out coins of Rs. 1 and an atthanni. Now he had to content himself with one cutting (famous half tea in mumbai) thanks to the Atthanni it was short otherwise he would have taken one full cup.

Bechna returns his home at 5:30. His wife ordered him to bring vegetable his son was crying to fill tyre of his cycle with air. He took his son with him went to a poor cycle repair shop. The man before him did an exercise, his son was lit up with joy, Bechna put his hand into his pocket took out a Atthanni. The cycle man disappointed once again for he was expecting one more atthanni, murmoured something probabily cursing in disguise.

Bechna went to the vegetable shop, take vegetable of Rs. 30 and told the grocers to give him green chily. And in response Bechna was standing like a begger. He was again short of one Athanni. Grocers cursed him for the fact Thaknaa has been pretending for one short of Athanni everyday for years.

Bechna starts his morning, cursed his wife, went to office cursed himself for one cutting of tea, cycle man cursed him and finally green grocers cursed him daily this is all for one Atthanni.

For me this Atthani can make your life a hail or you can get blessings of all Just for one Atthanni.

Hi-hi re atthanni ! ! !

Jai jai sia raam


Friday, June 10, 2005

Saabik Kaa India

Saabik means…. The time when I (Khattar Kaka) was young like you

Dear Mithila Vasi;

Jai Jai Sia Ram ! !

Although the Indian government boasts to have achieved most of the task our forefather dreamt to achieve during freedom struggle. Let me see through the changes:

The nation builder Politician:

In Saabik: Mahatma Gandhi, Dr. Rajedra Prasad, J.L.Nehru, L.B.Shatri.

Now:- Sonia Gandhi, Laloo, Rabri, Jaylalita, Mulayam Singh


Slogan of the People;

In Saabik:- Vande…. Mataram ! ! Vande Matram !!

Now :- Made in India, Made in India…..


Output of the Education:

In Saabik: Be a doctor, an engineer or want to be a big shot take the degree of barrister. the world will be yours so everything in it!

Now: Want to be a doctor… engineer… who hell you are ! You will have to fight for two meals a day! Have a business…. Or not lucky enough to have money… Get an MBA


Symptom of the Love:

In Saabik: The young man visit the house of a girl. The girl saw him from behind the curtain of the dining room. The young man look into her eyes. The girl goes red in shame! It is the beginning of the Love!!!

Now: The girl met the young man in the midnight in a pub! The girl shows the theory of equality of the girl. The girl goes far beyond’s man expectation. This routine is followed and the love is born.


Dress code for a Man:

In Saabik: Wear as much as light you can.

Now: Wear as heavily as you can.

Dress code for Woman:

In Saabik: Wear the saari with new style make the Juura of hair in best way.

Now: Hey! Man can no longer exploit women! For, the women will wear shortest apparel to please their counterpart. At the height there is no need to wear it at all !!!



In Saabik: 361 million

Now : : 10802 million

I will bounce back on next week till then


Jai Jai Sia Raam

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Kaka goes english

Dear Mithila_vasi;

Jai Jai Sia-Ram !

During the epoch of Prof. Harimihan Jha I (Khattar Kaka) had suggested him that real Brahmin are living in America only. He didn't admitted it readily but when I had given him the justification, He realized that yeah! Real brahmin is residing in America only.

Motivated by my Justification he had written "Khattar Kaka'k Tarang". Sahitya Akadamy also accepted by justification and his another work on Biography was awarded with Sahitya Akadmy Puraskar.

Unfortunatally I am sorry I could no longer remain a maithili speaking and in this era of internet I am bound to go english. But Mind it my accent will remains maithili only.

This mail is to remaind you all Mithila Vasi that I (khattar kaka) am bounced back and will hound you occasionally with my 't a r a n g' . You can expect one mail in a week.

Jai Jai Sia Ram ! !

Khattar Kaka
Mithila (India)
Asia... Earth... Sun... Milky Way... Universe